The family took a lovely road trip down to Tucson a couple of weeks ago. The house was going to be empty for 5 days or so, so we:
- boarded the dog
- up-ended a bag of cat food into a big bowl & scooped their litter boxes for the cats.
Until I can get these things cleaned, I dare not let K into the carpeted areas of the house, so we're back in baby-gate purgatory for a while. This is particularly a drag, b/c my in-laws are visiting, and they are not the most nimble folks.
Have I mentioned that I need carpet cleaning tips?
So what the heck is going on? Why the sudden backslide of house training at this late date? I had trusted Kodos to roam all over the whole house for many months. He hadn't had an accident since I took away the beef bone that seemed to make him, um, incontinent in a different way.
Here are some facts to bolster the conclusion I'm about to lay on you. ;-)
- At the boarding kennel, Kodos was stationed 2 kennels down from a female in season.
- While we were gone, the cats took to using one of the bedrooms (the one K first peed) as a litter box & the place stank to high heaven. (Thankfully, they peed on bedding, which was easily removed & laundered--not so much with our carpeting.)
- Kodos has recently begun lifting his leg to pee, as opposed to squatting.
That's right, isn't it? The vet 'fixed' him, didn't she?